Our managing director Derek Curtis is participating in a swimathon on Friday with a team he met on social networking site Twitter. Our recent press release is below:

Five local business owners are participating in the world’s biggest swim after meeting through social networking site Twitter.
The team, which consists of Heather Baxter of GENI, Derek Curtis of Bond Solutions, Mark Easby of Better Brand Agency, Lisa Forster of Angelfysh and Marianne Whitfield of Cobweb, will be swimming 5,000 metres on April 16 to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Care.
The group, whose businesses are all based in the North East, met on Twitter and decided to take part in the Swimathon at Sunderland Aquatic Centre. The swim will take approximately three hours to complete and the team, aptly named the Twimmers, is hoping to raise over £1,000 for the charity.
Derek Curtis said: “We all use Twitter for business purposes and we had been talking for a while previous to agreeing to do the Swimathon. We were all discussing getting fit and when the idea of participating in the event was mentioned we all jumped at the chance.
“It just shows how social media is bringing businesses together and can provide a great platform for businesses to network with others in the region. I’m really looking forward to the challenge and of course raising money for this great cause.”
Twitter is now one of the UK’s leading social networking sites with over 58 million members. It is a microblogging site where users can interact and post ‘tweets’ of up to 140 characters.
Heather added: “It’s amazing how many contacts I have made since joining Twitter last year. Since agreeing to do the Swimathon I have met several members of the team to discuss potential business opportunities. Although the Swimathon will be a challenge, I am excited to take part and hope we will exceed our fundraising target.”
The team’s sponsorship page can be found at: