Sage 200 helps businesses with a turnover from around £1m+ to co-ordinate their full business through both customer-facing and back-end modules. Made up of Sage 200 CRM and Sage 200 Financials, the product provides a complete solution to the management of a company’s processes.
The migration is generally due to the business outgrowing the Sage 50 package and requiring a more complex accounts and CRM package. There are a number of issues which have been identified as key indicators that a company should be looking at a more diverse package.
These indicators include: the software struggling with high volumes of data, repeated corruption, files locking and reports taking a long time to run. Although there are short term solutions to these issues, migration to Sage 200 can save businesses both time and resources by making these processes more effective.
Sage 200 provides a tailored, managed solution for businesses which have outgrown Sage 50. This solutions will help to resolve the issues outlined below:
• Limitations whilst reporting
• Issues with data segmentation and analysis
• With Sage 200 you have the ability to manage multiple stock locations and suppliers as well as tracking batches of stock and serial numbers
If you would like to discuss Sage 50 or the benefits of migrating to Sage 200 please contact us. Our packages are tailored for each individual customer and our sales team would be happy to help you find the product that best fits your needs.