Sunday, 31 October 2010

Thank you Twitter - The 21st Century Community

I have now been tweeting since March 2009 and this article is my 3000th tweet. I wanted to make this a bit of a milestone and decided to write an article about what Twitter has done for me personally and my company. I wanted to pay tribute to all the "Tweeters" who have helped, inspired, worked with us, made us laugh and generally enjoy reading their tweets. I have grouped all these people together in a Twitter list and I would encourage everyone to follow these people and companies.

Twitter and Social Media sites in general are indeed the 21st Century community, it is essentially the equivalent of popping next door and asking for the proverbial cup of sugar and having a chat, that happened many years ago. I must admit I always find it quite funny when people say "why don't you just go and speak to people, there is no need to use Social Networking", that is exactly what people are doing on Social Networking sites, so it may not be physically in person but I am sure people mocked at the invention of the telephone as well!! If you need help with anything you can get it on Twitter from the most unlikely sources, from buying and sourcing a new product, through personal and family relationships and even business advice, its all there. Of course it is only another method of communication and face to face, telephone and email et al all have their place too.

So I mentioned I wanted to pay tribute to some people who have helped or inspired me or simply made me laugh, here goes, for the shortened version just go to my Twitter List.

Who inspired me first
The first person that got me involved in Twitter properly was @glenfeechan, he told me how easy it was to use and update on a regular basis and that the content just flows once you get into it, very true Glen, thanks for that. I was very fortunate that I met someone shortly after that who defined and continues to influence the digital strategy I adopted. She has a fantastic understanding of what is still a very new communications media and that person was @jerri_murtagh and her company @echo23_news.

Good Organisations to Follow
There are a number of companies we admire and follow their tweets regularly, these include @cellsolne who always have good stuff to say and share our own philosophy on Social Media. Other friendly organisations to follow are @leadtransformit, @houghtonint, @gurooltd, @entforum, @girl_geeks, @northeastbic, @1Daylater, @sageuk, @kurodragon, @quay2media @winningsales, @centreforebus, @better_studio, @souterconsults, @sunsoftcity, @b2fanimation, @engleby, @sunderlandsmile and @genicoach. These are just a few of my favourites but the list could go on and on.

Fund Raising
Another great advantage of Twitter is the opportunity to help raise money for charity and we have taken part in Byte Night and I was also part of the Twimmers team earlier this year with @marketingGeni, @easbynow, @canny_lass and @angelfysh. I have also decided to take part in #Movember starting tomorrow, inspired by @easbynow and @christianceriso.

Friends online and offline
These are some of the people I have met through Twitter or know in "the real world" and have grown to know more on Twitter. Again the list is not exhaustive just a snapshot, @thinkfreer, @redboatphoto, @patsyj, @1daveymo, @olivejm, @paul_1daylater, @TunstallM, @ian_farrar, @fari_, @hello_from_U, @oodavid and @_stuartlynn.

I have only been able to include a few names in this article, so sorry if youy have not been mentioned. There are a few more in my Twitter List and there are about 3000 more in my full Following List.

So to anyone who is considering setting up a Twitter account either personally or for business, I would encourage you to do it and take part in the 21st Century community.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Bond Pool Tournament

Here at Bond Solutions, we’re all currently competing in a pool tournament!

To make this competition a bit more interesting we’ve decided that whoever sinks to the bottom of our league table should complete an eating challenge, as voted for by you!

League table as at 30th November

What should our loser eat?
A chocolate covered scorpion
A Spoonful of cinnamon
A chilli
4 Mars bar ice creams